Our history
Churrería La Caspolina.

Pedro Roque, the current “Caspolino” continues the legacy that his grandparents Roque and Dora started, and that his father Miguel Ángel took over as the third generation.

La Caspolina was born out of a need: to give the churro “a product so deeply rooted in our popular culture” the place it deserves. Tradition is not at odds with innovation and detail. For this reason, we are a new generation churrería in the Marina Alta.

We seek to maintain the tradition of enjoying churros in good company, and transmit those family moments to new generations “so that they take root in their past... to create bonds unforgettable... that we maintain what our grandparents taught us”


Pedro and Pilar, the first churros

With my grandparents' recipe.
The Origin.

At the beginning of the 20th century (1914), in Aragonese lands, Pedro Roque's great-grandparents (Roque and Melchora) began to dedicate themselves to churros, creating the La Aragonesa churrería. It was grandparents Roque and Dora who continued the family business with La Caspolina. And with Miguel Ángel, their son (and father of Pedro Roque), La Caspolina arrived in Valencian lands.

*La Caspolina comes from the place name where grandfather Roque was born, in Caspe (Zaragoza).